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Higher Education for Economic Transformation (HEET) project


IMS Receives Tanzania Shillings 11 Billion for Infrastructure Development

Tue Sep 12 2023

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The Ministry of Education, Science and Technology has allocated Tanzania Shillings eleven billion to the University of Dar es Salaam, Institute of Marine Sciences (IMS) in Zanzibar for infrastructure development to be undertaken promptly.

The funds, as part of the amount from the World Bank's Higher Education for Economic Transformation (HEET) project, will enable resumption of the construction of phase II of the administration and academic building at IMS which could not proceed for a long time.

The Minister for Education, Science and Technology, Hon. Professor Adolf Mkenda, revealed about the provision of the said funds during his visit at IMS in Zanzibar on Saturday 9th July, 2022.

Prof. Mkenda insisted that the allocation of funds to IMS was in line with the instruction of H.E. President Samia Suluhu Hassan that the HEET project money be distributed throughout the country to improve and develop higher learning institutions in Tanzania so that they can offer skills and employment opportunities to many citizens.

“This is what Her Excellency the President has instructed; the [HEET] funds should be distributed throughout the country. For this reason, we have brought this money to this institute as well. Likewise, some funds will also be used to establish satellite universities’ campuses in the regions of Tabora, Mara, Geita, Simiyu, Manyara and Tanga”, said Prof. Mkenda.

Prof. Mkenda urged the University of Dar es Salaam to ensure that the funds are spent in accordance with the intended objectives and that value for money is realised.

He also directed the Ardhi University (ARU) Vice Chancellor Prof. Evaristo Riwa to send experts to IMS to evaluate the infrastructure constructed under ARU’s supervision and address the noticeable shortcomings before being considered for engagement for phase II works.

Meanwhile, the Kiembe Samaki Member of Parliament, Hon. Mohammed Maulid Ali thanked the government of the United Republic of Tanzania for the funds allocated to IMS. He was optimistic that the completion of the infrastructure development will enable the institute to produce productive youths for promoting the blue economy.

In the same vein, Mr. Moses Mbiru who represented the IMS Director Dr. Margareth Kyewalyanga, said the funds will be used for the construction of the administration and academic building as well as other development related endeavours of the institute.

The government of the United Republic of Tanzania, through the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology, is implementing a Tanzania Shillings one-trillion project under the World Bank support, aimed at transforming higher education in Tanzania. A total of 22 higher learning institutions will benefit from this project.

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