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Higher Education for Economic Transformation (HEET) project



Promoting self-generated income

Promoting self-generated income

To promote self-generated income and achieve sustainability the UDSM plans to develop Single Sign On (SSO) system.
Updating curriculum and introducing innovative pedagogical methodologies

Updating curriculum and introducing innovative pedagogical methodologies

This entails the review of curricula of priority disciplines to accommodate changes in the labour market, enhance employability level of the graduates and mainstream gender, special need and climate change in the curriculum.
Building functional linkages with private sector/industry

Building functional linkages with private sector/industry

The University has planned to strengthen its relationship with the industry by making sure that the industry is involved in the delivery of the core functions of the university.
Promoting applied research and innovation capacity

Promoting applied research and innovation capacity

The University of Dar es Salaam uses learning management system Moodle LMS platform to facilitate online learning. Promoting applied research and innovation will involve enhancing ICT platforms.
Construction or rehabilitation of infrastructure

Construction or rehabilitation of infrastructure

The scope of infrastructure development involves renovation of selected buildings at the College of Engineering and Technology (CoET), construction of new buildings at the existing campuses and
Building capacity of academic staff and university leadership

Building capacity of academic staff and university leadership

Activities under this focus area involves long term and short term trainings. In the long term trainings, the capacity building to staff is being implemented under the MoEST-HEET Project scholarships
Project Administration, Coordination, Monitoring and Evaluation

Project Administration, Coordination, Monitoring and Evaluation

During the period ended 30 June 2023 the PIU implemented the following:(i) procurement of vehicles, ICT and furniture for the project office,
To strengthen the use of digital technology

To strengthen the use of digital technology

In this focus area the University is geared to implement the following: one, developing online learning platforms and digital technology applications (including selecting and customizing Moodle based learning platforms.
Revolutionizing High education for Economic transformation.
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