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Higher Education for Economic Transformation (HEET) project



  1. Collaboration Facilitation: The IAC actively solicits opportunities for collaboration in applied research and innovation from the industry, fostering a dynamic partnership that benefits both academia and the business sector.
  2. Program Evaluation and Enhancement: Evaluating program outcomes, the committee formulates recommendations for the continuous improvement of curriculum, laboratories, equipment, and other program resources, ensuring they remain relevant and effective.
  3. Graduate Opportunities: The IAC assists in identifying research and employment opportunities for graduates, connecting them with potential career pathways and contributing to the development of a skilled workforce.
  4. Advocacy and Communication: Serving as an advocate for the University, the IAC acts as a communication link with the public, promoting the institution's achievements and maintaining transparent and effective dialogue.
  5. Committee Membership and Staff Recruitment: The committee advises and recommends in the process of identifying and recruiting new IAC Committee Members and Adjunct Staff, ensuring a diverse and knowledgeable team.
  6. Feedback Loop: Acting as a valuable feedback loop, the IAC provides insights into the qualities of UDSM graduates, contributing to ongoing efforts to enhance the educational experience and outcomes.
  7. Resource Mobilization: The IAC actively contributes to the identification and acquisition of external funding and resources to support students and academic programs, including scholarships, program materials, and other essential resources.
  8. Relevance Assurance: Ensuring the relevance of UDSM undergraduate, postgraduate, and research programs to the current and future needs of the industry, the IAC plays a crucial role in program development and review.
  9. Curriculum Development and Delivery Support: The committee offers advice and support in the process of developing and reviewing degree program curricula, as well as ensuring the effective delivery of degree programs.
  10. Research and Innovation Support: The IAC supports applied collaborative research, innovation activities, and the transfer of technology across industries and academia, fostering a culture of continuous improvement and advancement.
  11. University Outreach Programs: Providing guidance and support for University outreach programs, the IAC actively contributes to initiatives that promote community engagement and knowledge dissemination.
  12. Industrial Attachment/Internship Support: The IAC plays a crucial role in supporting staff and student industrial attachment/internship programs, facilitating practical learning experiences for students in real-world settings.
  13. Infrastructure Collaboration: The committee actively establishes collaborations in the management and usage of equipment and training infrastructures, optimizing resources for the benefit of both the university and industry partners.

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Revolutionizing High education for Economic transformation.
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