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Higher Education for Economic Transformation (HEET) project



Industry Advisory Committee for the Higher Education for Economic Transformation (HEET)


An Industry Advisory Committee for the Higher Education for Economic Transformation (HEET) Project at the University of Dar es Salaam is a panel of individuals who collectively provide advice, guidance, and expertise about the delivery of key functions of the University. The Industry Advisory Committee (IAC) assumes a pivotal role in advising, guiding, and supporting the University of Dar es Salaam (UDSM) in achieving its mission and vision. Serving as an effective linkage between the university and various industries, the IAC plays a crucial role in enhancing the quality of education and training activities to align with industry needs.

The Industry Advisory Committee (IAC) consists of representatives from relevant industries, businesses, Academia, professional associations, regulatory bodies, potential employers, research institutions, senior faculty representatives, alumni, and other stakeholders. In the implementation of HEET Project at UDSM Industry Advisory Committees have been formulated in relevant clusters as follows, Engineering and Earth Resources Management (EERM); ICT and Media; Marine and Aquatic Sciences Technology (MAST); Economics, Agriculture and Business Management (EABM); and Humanities, Social Sciences and Resource Management (HSSRM).

In addition, the functioning of the formulated industry advisory committees is based on the following Key Areas of Collaboration between UDSM and the industry namely, Provision of Adjunct staff to deliver lectures as per the University guidelines; Student and staff attachment to industry; Involvement of industry in curriculum review and/or development; Internships and job placement for graduates; and Collaborative research and Joint Projects.

The Responsible Unit for the Industry Advisory Committees (IACs) at UDSM is the Directorate of Public Service (DPS) under the Deputy Vice Chancellor - Research. The management of activities are overseen by the Head of Industry Liaison within the DPS. While some responsibilities fall under the purview of the Deputy Vice-Chancellor for Academic affairs, necessitating direct reporting to that office. The functions of the DPS encompass a wide range of activities, including supporting units in collaborating externally for curriculum design, review, and delivery.

Purpose and Objectives of IACs

1.   Purpose of the Industry Advisory Committee (IAC)

The Industry Advisory Committees (IACs) play a crucial role in providing valuable insights and recommendations to the University across various domains, including curriculum review/development, applied research and innovation, staff and student attachment, and graduates' internships. Comprising representatives from the private sector, government institutions, and industry, IACs serve as the primary voice for a specific industry or industry cluster.

This committees significantly influence the university's core activities of teaching, research, and knowledge transfer, aligning them with the expectations of the labor market. At the School/College level, the IACs aim to contribute advice that fosters the University's growth and achievement of its goals. Through the sharing of expertise and strategic thinking, the committees ensure active engagement of industry professionals in designing and delivering priority degree programs, aligning them with market needs.

The IACs take on the responsibility of advising on the development or review of academic programs, identifying best-practice standards to meet labor market demands. Additionally, they facilitate collaboration between the University and the industry, enabling students and staff to receive training from industry practitioners and work alongside them in their respective fields of expertise. In essence, the Industry Advisory Committees serve as a bridge, enhancing the synergy between the University and the industry for the benefit of students, staff, and the broader academic community.


2.   Objectives of Industry Advisory Committees (IACs)

1: Establishing a Formal Mechanism for Industry-University Coordination

One primary objective of IACs is to create a structured mechanism for fostering coordination between the university and the industry. The establishment of an Industry Advisory Committee (IAC) serves as a strategic initiative to bridge the gap between academia and the workforce demands. This formal mechanism aims to address the existing weakness in the University-Industry linkage at UDSM. By implementing this objective, the aim is to enhance the university's responsiveness to industry needs, ensuring that programs align with market requirements, and graduates possess skills that are relevant and sought after by employers.

2: Promoting Human Capital Development and Social Inclusion

Another key objective of AICs revolves around creating an environment conducive to human capital development and social inclusion among university students. This objective aligns with UDSM's broader goal of promoting quality higher education. Through the IACs, the aim is to facilitate the exchange of knowledge between the university and the industry in a practical manner. This exchange not only enriches the learning experience for students but also contributes to addressing critical skill gaps in graduates. By emphasizing human capital development and social inclusion, this objective seeks to elevate the overall quality of higher education at UDSM, benefiting both students and the economy at large.

3: Enhancing Employability and Closing Skill Gaps

The third objective of IACs is centered on improving the employability of graduates by closing critical skill gaps. The IACs will play a pivotal role in providing valuable insights and feedback from the industry, guiding the university in developing programs that meet current market demands. By actively involving industry representatives in the curriculum review and development processes, this objective aims to equip students with the skills and knowledge required for success in their professional endeavours. Closing the loop between academia and industry ensures that graduates are well-prepared for the workforce, contributing to the university's Vision 2061 and fostering a culture of continuous improvement in response to evolving industry needs.

Functions of the Industry Advisory Committees (IACs)

  1. Collaboration Facilitation: The IAC actively solicits opportunities for collaboration in applied research and innovation from the industry, fostering a dynamic partnership that benefits both academia and the business sector.
  2. Program Evaluation and Enhancement: Evaluating program outcomes, the committee formulates recommendations for the continuous improvement of curriculum, laboratories, equipment, and other program resources, ensuring they remain relevant and effective.
  3. Graduate Opportunities: The IAC assists in identifying research and employment opportunities for graduates, connecting them with potential career pathways and contributing to the development of a skilled workforce.
  4. Advocacy and Communication: Serving as an advocate for the University, the IAC acts as a communication link with the public, promoting the institution's achievements and maintaining transparent and effective dialogue.
  5. Committee Membership and Staff Recruitment: The committee advises and recommends in the process of identifying and recruiting new IAC Committee Members and Adjunct Staff, ensuring a diverse and knowledgeable team.
  6. Feedback Loop: Acting as a valuable feedback loop, the IAC provides insights into the qualities of UDSM graduates, contributing to ongoing efforts to enhance the educational experience and outcomes.
  7. Resource Mobilization: The IAC actively contributes to the identification and acquisition of external funding and resources to support students and academic programs, including scholarships, program materials, and other essential resources.
  8. Relevance Assurance: Ensuring the relevance of UDSM undergraduate, postgraduate, and research programs to the current and future needs of the industry, the IAC plays a crucial role in program development and review.
  9. Curriculum Development and Delivery Support: The committee offers advice and support in the process of developing and reviewing degree program curricula, as well as ensuring the effective delivery of degree programs.
  10. Research and Innovation Support: The IAC supports applied collaborative research, innovation activities, and the transfer of technology across industries and academia, fostering a culture of continuous improvement and advancement.
  11. University Outreach Programs: Providing guidance and support for University outreach programs, the IAC actively contributes to initiatives that promote community engagement and knowledge dissemination.
  12. Industrial Attachment/Internship Support: The IAC plays a crucial role in supporting staff and student industrial attachment/internship programs, facilitating practical learning experiences for students in real-world settings.
  13. Infrastructure Collaboration: The committee actively establishes collaborations in the management and usage of equipment and training infrastructures, optimizing resources for the benefit of both the university and industry partners.


IAC Members selection criteria

IAC members are appointed based on position/expertise/experiences that enable them or their organizations to influence delivery of core functions of UDSM. It is expected that the appointed members will be the topmost members such as owners/ chairpersons of the companies who influence or have final decisions within their organization or within the industry. IAC members shall be experienced professionals engaged across Tanzania’s industries of relevance to the programs on offer at the respective thematic cluster and its academic unit.

An optimal size and composition of the IAC members should ensure that the aim of its establishment is achieved. There are recommended categories of substantive members and invitees forming the composition of the AIC. For the substantive members category, they should be professionals; from regulatory bodies; alumni; potential employers; from research institutions; gurus in the area from any other institution; academic units’ representatives; and senior faculty representative. For the invitees members category, they include Department Heads and Student representatives from the participating academic units.

Generally, the composition of the IAC members is expected to ensure diversity, gender balance, and inclusivity. The committee shall be made up of at least 10% alumni of the respective cluster who are currently employers. Importantly, the leadership of the IAC consists of a chairperson, deputy chairperson and secretary all appointed by the Chancellor. While the chairperson is a member from outside the University, the deputy chairperson and secretary are appointed from among heads of academic units of the University.

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