Higher Education for Economic Transformation (HEET) project
The Institutional Monitoring, Evaluation and Lessons Learned Committee (MELL) Committee is formed in accordance to Article 6 (3) of the Grant Agreement. The MELL Committee is formed within the PIU
The Institutional Monitoring, Evaluation and Lessons Learned Committee (MELL) Committee is formed in accordance to Article 6 (3) of the Grant Agreement. The MELL Committee is formed within the PIU with the responsibility of carrying out the Monitoring and evaluation of the project activities. The responsibilities of the Institutional MELL Committee include, to carry out routine monitoring of the institution’s activities under the HEET Project in a cascaded manner and collect data towards the performance indicators using a prescribed results-based MELL tool developed by the NPIU/National MELL Committee; the Institutional MELL Committee shall provide quarterly and annual reports to the IPSC describing progress towards achieving the annual targets; and the Committee shall participate in midterm and end-of-project internal MELL as guided by the HEET National MELL Expert/Committee.
MELL Committee is composed by the chairperson, Dr. Innocent Pantaleo, and members namely Dr. Paul Ndumbaro; Dr. Jaqueline Mgumia; Dr. Edmund Mabhuye; and Dr. Kwame Ibwe.