Higher Education for Economic Transformation (HEET) project
The HEET Project Steering Committee at the University of Dar es Salaam is led by the Chairperson, who is the Vice Chancellor, Prof. William A. L. Anangisye. Other members include Prof. Bernadeta M. Killian
The HEET Project Steering Committee at the University of Dar es Salaam is led by the Chairperson, who is the Vice Chancellor, Prof. William A. L. Anangisye. Other members include Prof. Bernadeta M. Killian, Deputy Vice Chancellor (Planning, Finance and Administration) and UDSM HEET Project Coordinator; Prof. Bonaventure S. Rutinwa, Deputy Vice Chancellor (Academic); Prof. Nelson Boniface, Deputy Vice Chancellor (Research); Prof. Saudin J. Mwakaje, Chief Corporate Counsel and Secretary to Council; Prof. Yunus Mgaya, Experienced in the execution of donor funded projects and retired government official; CPA Maua Msuya, Director of Finance, Ernest and Young; Dr. Samson Matiko, Chief Executive Officer, National Construction Council; Eng. Albert Richard, Director of operations, Universal Communications Service Access Fund (CSAF); and Mr. Max Rugaimukamu, Tanzania Private Sector Foundation. The Secretary of the Committee is the UDSM HEET project Deputy Coordinator, Dr. Liberato V. Haule.