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Higher Education for Economic Transformation (HEET) project


Coordinator's Note

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Prof. Bernadeta Killian (PhD UCLA, USA)


The University of Dar es Salaam is implementing the HEET project in seven strategic areas. The areas of focus have been chosen to ensure that the project development objective is achieved as per the approved University Strategic Investment Plan (USIP). The focus areas include development of infrastructure including upgrading of learning equipment, upgrading curriculum and introducing innovative pedagogical methodologies, promoting applied research and innovation capacity, building functional linkage with the industry, strengthening the use of digital technology, promoting self-generated income and building capacity of academic staff and University leadership. The University has allocated sufficient resources including a dedicated project implementation unit, offices and conducive environment for the management and administration HEET project. 

The project activities are implemented at the Mwalimu Julius Nyerere Mlimani Campus in Dar es Salaam, Institute of Marine Sciences (IMS) - Zanzibar and at the newly developed campuses in Lindi and Kagera Regions. For the construction of infrastructure and upgrading of learning resources and equipment, the University intends to rehabilitate teaching facilities at the College of Engineering and Technology (CoET); construct new buildings for lecture theatres, lecture rooms, studio, workshops, and laboratories for CoET, College of Information and Communication Technologies (CoICT) and School of Aquatic Sciences Fisheries Technology (SoAF) in Dar es Salaam. New buildings will also be constructed in Zanzibar (at IMS), and in Lindi and Kagera (the new campuses). 

The project will also support the construction of students’ hostels at the Mwalimu Julius Nyerere Mlimani Campus - Dar es Salaam, IMS - Zanzibar, Lindi Campus and Kagera Campus. The constructed and renovated facilities will also support inclusive and equitable environments for students with disabilities or any special needs.

In terms of upgrading curriculum and introducing innovative pedagogical methodologies the project will conduct tracer study for all the priority programs to determine its relevance and thereafter select programs for shelving, review and/or develop new programs, with a consideration of development of at least twenty online courses. This process will also engage relevant industry professionals in the design and delivery of priority degree programs and ensure their alignment to market needs. In order to be a world class university, strong emphasis has been put on the application of digital technology on the delivery of the University’s core functions. In order to realize this goal the university has prepared a ten year ‘smart campus roadmap’ which is used to guide the implementation of digital technology endeavours under the HEET project.

Substantial amount of funds will support the upgrading of ICT infrastructure such as ICT data communication network including Core and wi-fi. Electric power stabilization system will be installed for smooth running of the ICT infrastructure and associated systems. In this project, there is also a capacity building component which will support staff training at postgraduate (10 Master and 12 PhD) level in world-class universities abroad. The training is intended to equip members of staff with knowledge and skills for conducting teaching and research and for providing public services. In the same vein, heads of academic units and academic departments will be trained on leadership, decision making and management skills. Such training will enhance professional university administration for proper execution of University policies and programmes.

The project implementation also integrates activities to address inclusivity such as gender issues and encourage greater participation and retention of women in various programs, particularly in science, technology, engineering and mathematics programs. The project supports the outreach programmes to sensitize female secondary school students and communities about university academic programs, strengthening of the gender desk to support implementation of activities, and development of guidelines for identify and support of students with special needs. It also aims at strengthening of the special needs unit by establishment of a help desk to coordinate support services to students with special needs, strengthening of the counseling services for students with special needs, and developing procedures and systems to address Gender-Based Violence (GBV), Sex Reproductive Health (SRH) and HIV/AIDS issues. It is the University expectation that the implementation of the HEET project activities will have remarkable impact to the quality and labour market alignment for our graduates.

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Important Organs


Steering Committee

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Industry Advisory Committee

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Project Implementation Unit

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About HEET

The University of Dar es Salaam (UDSM) is implementing a five-year (2021-2026) Higher Education for Economic Transformation (HEET) Project through the World Bank funding. UDSM has received USD 47.5 million for the implementation of this project through which various education advancement activities that will rapidly transform the campus in academics are undertaken. The Project Development Objective (PDO) is to strengthen the learning environment and labour market alignment of priority programs at beneficiary higher education institutions, including UDSM and improve the management of the higher education system. At the University of Dar es Salaam, the Project is implemented through five priority disciplines namely Engineering and Technology, Agriculture and Agribusiness, Information Communication Technology, Urban and Environmental Engineering and Technology and Economics and Business. Specifically, The HEET Project is implemented through eight focused areas as follows:

The HEET Project at UDSM focuses on eight key areas or components, namely, construction or rehabilitation of infrastructure; updating curriculum and introducing innovative pedagogical methodologies; and promoting applied research and innovation capacity. Other areas include building functional linkages with the private sector/industry; strengthening the use of digital technology; promoting self-generated income; building capacity of academic staff and university leadership; and project administration, coordination, monitoring, and evaluation. Additionally, through this project, the University of Dar es Salaam establishes new campuses in Bukoba, Kagera region and in Ruangwa and Ngongo in Lindi region.

The project involves three partners: the Government – the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology which takes an overall responsibility of ensuring smooth implementation of this project in the higher learning institutions, UDSM inclusive; the World Bank which is the funder; and the Implementing Agencies—in this case the University of Dar es Salaam. These partners, each, has legally binding duties and responsibilities established through the dully signed legal agreement between the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology and the University of Dar es Salaam.

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